Saturday, March 29

A day for healing

Jackie had a better night last night.  His periods of restlessness were less frequent than the night before.  I think consistent dosing of pain meds is helping him manage the discomfort.  His facial swelling will take a couple of days to dissipate.  He has been able to open his right eye about three quarters of the way and he has just been able to open the left eye a tiny bit.  Not a surprise that the left eye only opened when Lindsay walked into his room.  There is a most special bond between those two.  A true blessing.

The PT and OT team stopped by and together we decided it would be best to just do PT from the bed vs getting in a chair.  His legs including hip joints were stretched.   I don’t think his gauze wrapped head would fit in his helmet anyway.  We decided that a day of rest and healing would be best, especially since both of his legs and arms are now very active.  PT plans to work with him more aggressively on Monday.

We are beginning the ever familiar process of starting his nutritional feedings. We are now at half of his goal and only had to step backwards once.  Our plan is to have him at his goal level by the end of the weekend.

We were just sent to the waiting room as the Neuro team is removing the gauze bandaging, the drain from his head and the Lumbar drain from his back.  The recent CAT scan is showing that the fluid in his brain is currently stable.  His neuro functions will be checked daily and a repeat CAT scan will be done on Monday.


Will post again tonight.
